Severe Weather Preparedness Sales Tax Holiday

Tax HolidayAlabama’s 14th severe weather preparedness sales tax holiday begins at 12:01 a.m. Friday, Feb. 21, 2025, and ends at midnight, Sunday, Feb. 23, 2025, allowing Alabama shoppers to stock up tax free on common supplies costing less than $60 that every home and business needs to prepare for a natural disaster or even a general emergency. Generators costing $1,000 or less also can be purchased free of the state’s four-percent sales tax during the three-day tax holiday. Alabama’s local governments wishing to add their tax savings to the holiday may do so by adopting a resolution or ordinance 30 days prior to the sales tax holiday weekend.

Promotional Poster for Retailers (Letter size, print quality pdf) For retailers to download and use to promote the sales tax holiday in their store.  Update coming soon!

Quick Reference for Tax Free and Taxed Items during the February Sales Tax Holiday A handy reference to print out and place beside cash registers, post in stores, compare to your shopping list or use as a reference while shopping.

2024 Participating Cities and Counties 2025 locations coming soon!

Sales Tax Holiday Rule 810-6-3-.66

Sales Tax Holiday Act No. 2012-256

Read about Alabama’s back-to-school sales tax holiday