Busy retailers have little time for research, and few of those outside of retailing know the retail industry’s full impact. Alabama Retail provides these resources for both those purposes.
- Industry Links could help retailers be more productive and profitable, plus they provide access to information many seeking to know more about retailing will find useful.
- Retail Facts sum up retailing in Alabama based on statistical information. If there is more you’d like to know or you have a resource to share, please contact us.
- Alabama Retailer highlights matters of interest to the retail community, including legislative issues, regulatory matters, retail sales expectations, upcoming events and association news and activities.
- Information on the state’s two sales tax holidays.
- An Employment Law Resource Center.
- A guide to Alabama’s laws on worthless checks, shoplifting and civil recovery for theft of merchandise.
- The latest on workplace safety.
- Vital information on emergency preparedness.