Ask your Rep. to support delivery license reform; Vote for SB316

The fight for needed delivery license reform has moved to the Alabama House of Representatives. SB316 in its current form creates a $10,000 annual threshold before a $100 delivery license is required.


Call or email your representative NOW!

Don’t know who your representative is?
Plug in your address and zip code plus four here.
Talk to the representative for your store’s (or stores’) zip code(s).

Share your personal delivery story with your representative. Not sure what to say? Consider using these suggested points:

Start with where your store(s) is located, what kind of merchandise you deliver and the number of cities where you deliver. For example:

“Even if I deliver just one item (insert a specific item you deliver with a cost under $100) in a company truck, in each of the (insert number) cities where we deliver, I have to collect sales tax on the item delivered and remit it to the city where is delivered, PLUS pay a $100 delivery license, PLUS an issuance fee, in each of those cities. That’s (insert amount). It is way too much!

Next, share the profit margin for the type of retail items you sell. For example:

“My profit margin is (insert percentage). I can’t make a profit under the current delivery license system. SB316 doesn’t do away with delivery licenses, it just allows me to serve my customers, make a profit, keep my business open and my employees employed.”

Finally, ask for their vote. 

“I, and other hometown retailers like me in your district, need relief from the current delivery license system. SB316 calls for a $10,000 annual threshold of goods delivered into a city before a delivery license is required. I’m asking you to vote for SB316 when it gets to the floor of the Alabama House of Representatives.

Read more about SB316 to prepare before speaking with your representative. If you email your representative, please copy so we know what lawmakers have been contacted. Thanks in advance for reaching out to your lawmaker on this important issue.