Investing in kids pays off for Mobile-based Moe’s Southwest Grill group

MEMBER SINCE 2004: Jeff LaCour, president and owner of LaCour Hospitality Management, owns and operates five Moe’s Southwest Grill restaurants.

“We are happy to be a part of the community and to make kids feel awesome,” said Jeff LaCour, president and owner of LaCour Hospitality Management, which owns and operates five Moe’s Southwest Grill restaurants. LaCour opened his first Moe’s 14 years ago in Mobile; he now has two locations in Mobile County, two more in Baldwin County and another in Harrison County, Miss.

In addition to quality, customer service and cleanliness, which are LaCour’s three company pillars, the father of three also puts a big focus on serving children.

“We have strongly believed that capturing the young foodies at an early age would transcend into a lifelong customer,” he said.

“We offer a kids-eat-free-day and then take it a step further. Every Tuesday for the last six years, we have Doctor Feel Good and Sunshine the Clown present at our McGregor Avenue location. We have built a strong following, and now Tuesday is one of the best days at Moe’s!”

“We are happy to be a part of the community and to make kids feel awesome,” said Jeff LaCour, pictured here with his wife Maureen.

LaCour also includes his three young children in his business.

“I think it is imperative to get our young generation involved in work. It is so important because that is how businesses are created – from young minds and young people. Bringing them in here and making them wipe tables and trays is a small area that they can do at a young age.”

This article is on page 21 of the February 2019 Alabama Retailer.