Alabama ban on adjustable focus eyewear takes effect Aug. 1

As of Aug. 1, the sale of certain over-the-counter eye glasses will be illegal under Act No. 2017-319, which Gov. Kay Ivey signed into law Thursday, May 18.

The Alabama House of Representatives gave final approval to the bill by Sen. Gerald Dial, R-Lineville, on Tuesday, May 16.

The new law precludes the sale of any over-the-counter spectacles with a minus power or a magnification exceeding +3.5 diopters.

The lens requirements in the legislation effectively ends Alabama sales of glasses with adjustable focus, a technology being marketed worldwide by Adlens.

Rep. Matt Fridy, R-Montevallo, the sponsor of the House companion bill (HB85), told House members that selling eyewear that exceeds the legislation’s lens specifications without a prescription would be against the law.

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