Every Alabamian needs to be counted.
Online, phone and mailed self-responses for the U.S. Census continue through Oct. 15. In March, about three of every four households received an invitation via the U.S. mail from the U.S. Census Bureau to respond to the 2020 census online or by phone. Most of the remaining received a paper questionnaire along with an invitation to respond online. About 5% of the state’s residents received their questionnaire when a census taker dropped it off at their home and less than 1% were to be counted in person instead of invited to respond on their own. Because of the coronavirus pandemic, Alabama field activities were suspended temporarily. The offices reopened May 6.
“I urge everybody to complete the census form and to make sure everybody around you and those who work for or with you, does the same thing,” Gov. Kay Ivey said. The governor wants at least an 80 percent response rate in Alabama. In the 2010 Census, Alabama had a 72 percent response rate. As of Oct. 13, Alabama had a 63.5% self-response rate while 36.4% were counted during home visits by census workers for a 99.9% total response rate.
Retailers, restaurants and other businesses use census data to determine where to locate, relocate or expand their stores. (Shareable “Want New Shops / Restaurants” video) The data also determines how many seats Alabama has in the U.S. House of Representatives and how much federal funding the state receives. Alabama currently receives $13 billion in annual federal funding.
Encourage employees, customers and residents in our communities to fill out their census forms. It is 10 simple questions that can be answered in about 6 minutes or less.
>> If you haven’t already, fill out the Census now!
>> Download Get Counted Shop Alabama graphics and Take Your Census graphics
You count. Alabama counts.
>> Learn more at census.alabama.gov
>>Download 2020 Census Toolkit at alabama2020census.com
Originally posted Feb. 26.