View the video for this webinar
Presented by Retail Minded Founder Nicole Leinbach-Reyhle
Author of “Retail 101: The Guide to Managing and Marketing Your Retail Business”
This webinar offers realistic, practical and useful insight for brick and mortar and online merchants looking to compete successfully in the retail world. The identical hour-long webinar will be offered during two time periods (see above). Hopefully, one will fit your schedule.
Sample insight that can be gained from the webinar include:
• An understanding of the vast responsibilities of independent merchants, with expert insights on best practices to apply to your store within marketing, merchandising, management and more retail specific categories.
• Action steps for your store and step-by-step guides on what you can do to better advance, nurture or begin your retail efforts.
• How inventory, marketing, merchandising, online, and offline selling can be better managed and more effective in generating sales for your unique retail business.
• Organizations, companies, and events that cater to independent retailers and how they can help your business gain stronger retail success.
This Retail University webinar is offered free of charge for Alabama Retail Association members.