View our Current Calendar of Events
As Alabama’s No. 1 organization for promoting and educating retailers, the Alabama Retail sponsors several meetings, seminars and programs each year to keep members informed on issues of importance to Alabama retailers. The more you know, the more successful you can make your business!
Annual Event
- Retail Day: Each fall, Alabama Retail serves as a host for Retail Day, which was created to inform students of the diverse career opportunities offered in retailing. Alabama’s Retailers of the Year and Centennial Retailers are also honored on this day.
Periodic Events
- Alabama Retail Congressional Trip: Periodically, the Alabama Retail Association executive committee travels to Washington, D.C., to visit with Alabama’s congressional delegation and to be briefed on national issues of importance to retailers.
- Employment Law Webinars: In conjunction with our employment law partner, Lehr Middlebrooks Vreeland and Thompson, Alabama Retail provides access to timely webinars about regulatory and employment law issues.
If you have any questions about an Alabama Retail event, please call 1-800-239-5423.
If you would like your retail-related event included in Alabama Retail’s event calendar, please e-mail the information to