Centennial Retailers

Each year, the Alabama Retail Association seeks Alabama Centennial Retailers – retailers with 100 or more years in business in Alabama.


The program recognizes century-old retail businesses for their contributions to the state’s past, present and future. To be considered a retailer, the business must collect state and local sales taxes. (Banks, insurance agencies and dry cleaners do not qualify.) Each receives a brass plaque for the outside of the business and a certificate suitable for display inside. Retailers whose names are submitted will be contacted and asked to provide a brief history and other information about their business.

Retail businesses that began operating in Alabama in 1924 or earlier are eligible to be recognized as an Alabama Centennial Retailer. Businesses can only be recognized once as a Centennial Retailer.

>> Nominate a Centennial Retailer Now!

>> View Those Previously Honored as Centennial Retailers